Monday, May 7, 2012

We're moving where?!

To get a better understanding of this punchy life I've come to love, let's go back in time... oh say 2 years! Ha, no not 50 or even 10. Our humble abode was not handed down from generations of our families hard work, sweat, and tears, BUT that's exactly what we'd like to get started. That's not to say our family didn't help out a TON! One.Step.At.A.Time. I'd never even heard of Roxton when Cody started looking for land here. We both thought we grew up living the country life {animals of all kinds, big trucks, tractors, field parties} but this was a new country and I was definitely intimidated. So it's 2010: me working for Wylie ISD, Cody doing... we'll just call him a 'jack of all trades'! Avery loving her temporary home in a travel trailer at Bop & Nana's, oh yes, and baby #2 on thA way. 2010 brought on MANY challenges that don't deserve the time it would take me to type, so let's just say lessons learned! Moving from our comfort zone at a difficult time in our lives was certainly a blessing in disguise!
THIS my friends is Circle A back in 2010. It's just one big friggin ray of sunshine ain't it?! :) It is a dreary day anyway, but can't you just see the potential? Tell this to a 6 month pregnant woman with raging out of control hormones, plus a nearly 4 year old on her hip. Let's move our family here to milk cows, have billy goats in our front yard...and by the way, we might have to bring our newborn home to live in a travel trailer for a bit while we remodel. Huh? Ok Ok, could be worse, right?

Cody saw the potential that's for sure. He's the biggest dreamer I know and isn't afraid of a thing (except me, hehe), I'd follow him anywhere. How in the heehaw are we gonna turn this place around, then take care of it plus ourselves, AND pay for 306 acres?! Yikes!
Here we are 2 years later... the place is beautiful and taken care of. My baby didn't have to be brought home to live in a travel trailer, Thank you Lord! The chitlens love it and we love raising them here. It's not been gravy, times are tough, but we get through.
Nope, you're not getting an after picture. :) You'll have to come see for yourself. Let's not kid ourselves, it is far from our dream home. And I mean far! LOL But it's cozy, clean, keeps us warm and most of all... I'm proud to call it hOMe.
Larry Aaron, if you ever read this, I am forever grateful for ALL of the blood, sweat, and tears you put into making this place what it is today. My FIL is the best!!

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