Sunday, May 6, 2012

I'm here. YaLL!

A few friends and my Marm recently suggested I start a blog, had never really thought about it, but I'll give it a go! What a great way for my bebes to one day read about how perfect our 'leave it to beaver' life really was...Ummm NOT! Or maybe they'll look back and find out how crazy their mAmA & dAddY really was and wonder why in the wORlD someone didn't save them!
So it begins ~ {country life on Circle A Ranch} and then some!

First things first: Cody, Lauren, Avery, & Cutter --->Yep, that's us!

My baby daddy is our hero. He's so selfless, sometimes it seems too good to be true.
{piNcH mE plEAsE} This hard working cowboy provides for us in every way. Love him with all my heart. OoH! Did I mention he makes me laugh? ALL the time, even when I don't want to * and it makes me so mad! *

Now this cRaZy cowgirl is ... well, crazy! At the ripe age of 5, Avery keeps us on our toes! Her 'if I can't wear my boots, I ain't goin attitude' is contagious! My baby girl is full of spunk and is so smart just like her dAddY. Speakin of, her dAdDy can do absolutely NO wrong. {pUHleasE!} She is a tom boy, pRinCeSS, country girl, & sAssY BosS all in one.

How handsome is this cowboy? Cutter is definitely a mAmA's boy...and I love it! He gives the best suga, high fives, and {I can't deny it} dirty looks. A whoppin' 21 months and his looks could kill. HA! Big sister is the best play mate and with the slightest whimper has her jumping up! Cody and I joke that ranching/farming was bred in his genes because his favorite toy is a tractor ~ gO fIGurE!

I'm excited about this blogging venture... I apologize in advance for {TMI}, misspellings, grammar, rambling, being super excited!!, pRoUD, what.ever! so yaLL get enthused - quick like!


  1. This your "Marm". I love the blog! I think it's the most wonderful gift you can ever give my grand babies! I am so proud of you and how amazing you are as a momma, wife and daughter! U could not ask for a better son in law to take care of you and those beautiful babies! Have fun blogging and sharing your fun and exciting life and making memories! I love you, Marm!

  2. Mama couldn't have said it any better. You truely are such a wonderful Mother, Ranchers Wifey, AND Big Sis! I only wish we didn't live so far :( I am so excited you have started blogging so I can keep up with the CrAzY adventures of the Circle A Ranch! I am so blessed to have such a loving, caring and beautiful family to look up to. I love y'all!!!

  3. It's about time you took my advice! Love it and can't wait to read more about life on the ranch!

  4. YAY! (I hope it's okay that I'm totally blog stalking you!)

    Welcome to this crazy blogging world - you'll love it. :)
